Kiddegans Child Day Care

Preview of our Preschool Program

Some of them want to be....

  • Ballerinas
  • Astronauts
  • Firefighters
  • Teachers
  • Police officers
  • Or many other professions

one thing is for sure, whatever they want to be they all have dreams!

With our preschool program we want to take the dreams of your little ones and equip them with all of the tools they need to learn and achieve (maybe exceed) their dreams.  Some programs are very structured and a lot of learning occurs through just every day play and interaction with the caregiver.  Every child gets read to EVERY day with books of all types, playdough affords the opportunity to exercise artistic talent and even to learn through manipulatives, even young children can be taught to recognize the first letter of their names, working on puzzles for critical thinking (they have no clue it's learning-they just love it!!!), learning centers and lots more...feel free to ask for more details.  Knowing that preschoolers are at the time of their life when they soak up everything around them like sponges, we like to take that opportunity to fill those little sponges with fun yet valuable activities.

Early math?  How about counting out kernels of popcorn before we make our snack?  Large motor skills?  Does dancing and charades sound like fun?  Throw into those mixes building blocks to encourage the construction crew wannabe, play kitchens for those budding little chefs, craft time activities to wear, learn and share and much, much more. 

We love to sing learning songs and do counting finger plays, etc.!

Home | Credentials and Contact Information | How We Spend Our Days | Infant Care Details | What We Like To Learn About and Play | Having Fun Photos | Our Philosophy, Beliefs, Hopes & Dreams | Our Rates | Preview of our Preschool Program

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Serving Blackford County